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Attendance Policy


  • Students are expected to attend school daily.  If your child is absent, please call the attendance line 541-790-5525 on the day of the absence and report it. You will receive an automated phone message if your student does not attend class and no one has communicated with the office with a reason for the absence.

  • Contact the teachers for missing work if the absence is two days or longer.  Teachers need at least 24 hours notice to gather work.

  • Completed work should be submitted within ONE WEEK of students’ return to school. 

Excused absences (including arriving late and leaving early) as defined by law are:

  1. Illness (excused with doctor’s note)
  2. School function (i.e., district sponsored events)
  3. Death in the family
  4. Family emergency
  5. Medical appointments
  6. Weather provisions

The parent or school authority responsible for the absence must verify the excused absence (listed above). Families have 48 hours, or 2 school days, after the student’s return to document the absence.

Pre-Arranged Absences

  • Students planning to be absent for five, or more, consecutive days must complete a pre-arranged absence form and receive the principal’s permission as well as their teachers’ signatures. Permission does not indicate excusal.  This needs to be completed one week prior to the planned absence. Pre-arranged absence forms are available in the office or on our website. Vacations are typically not excused absences. 

  •  Eugene 4J School District provides our students with breaks throughout the school year, Thanksgiving (2 days against a weekend), Winter Break (two and a half weeks), Spring Break (one week) and Summer Break (11 weeks).  We ask that vacations be reserved for these break times to minimize loss of instructional time for our students.

  • Student work, if possible, will be provided to the student for the term of their absence. Not all work is capable of being done outside of class, and the teacher may assign/offer alternate assignments.


  • Students are expected to be in their classrooms, ready to learn when the bell rings for class.

  • Excess of tardies (3 or more) are considered a behavior issue and will be addressed through the behavior referral system to identify the issues and problem solve so students can be on time.

Release of Students during school day

  • Students may be released only to parents/guardians or their authorized representative.

  • Authorization must be in writing or via a phone call to the school.

  • Students must be signed out by authorized adult (valid ID needs to be shown).

  • Teachers are instructed not to release a child unless told to do so by the office.